Worship for the Second Sunday of Easter
First United Methodist Church of Schenectady
2nd Sunday of Easter
April 16th, 2023
It may help to center yourself into worship by lighting a candle, as a symbol of God’s presence with you during the time of worship. You may also want to pay attention to lighting, the position of your body, and the availability of distractions.
Breath Prayer
“May we doubt, and may we hope.”
“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” by John B. Dykes arranged by Lavawan Riley
Call to Worship
One: Easter people, let us worship.
Many: Alleluia!
One: Easter people, let us sing!
Many: Alleluia!
Hymn #304: “Easter People, Raise Your Voices”
Passing the Peace
Song of Transition #2026: “Halle, Halle, Halle”
Unison Prayer
God of Easter,
Our forefathers in faith spent Easter evening hiding in an upstairs room.
They didn’t let the good news penetrate too far.
They didn’t allow themselves to hope.
They let fear win.
But you didn’t.
You don’t.
You call us from fear,
into hope,
into good news,
into sharing your love with the world.
You showed up in that upstairs room,
and you show up where we hide too.
May we be ready
to follow where you lead. Amen
Cares and Celebrations
Silent Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father (Creator)
who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Listening and Reflecting
Scripture Reading: Acts 1:3-5, 12-14
Hymn #317: O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing, v. 1, 6-9
Poem: “Who Are We to Bet Against Glory” by Julia Hamilton
Time With Young People
Scripture Reading: John 20:19-30
Sermon: “Doubt, Peace, and Blessing”, Rev. Sara E. Baron
Offertory: “Breathe On Me” by B.B. McKinney, arranged by Fred Bock
A Time to Consider Offering
Photo by Larry McArthur
If you wish, you are welcome to use this time to make a donation to the church online, or to put a check in the mail.
The time of offering is not only about our financial gifts to the church, it is about offering our lives to God and the building of the kindom. This is a time for reflection: What is being asked of us? What is being given to us? What are we able to offer? What do we need?