The First United Methodist Church of Schenectady invites you to participate in its 2024 Lenten Photo Show.
You can participate in either or both of two ways:
You may submit your photos either electronically or in hard copy.
The submission form for the photo show can be downloaded here: 2024 Photo Show Flyer for website
We live in an age of intense political, social, and religious division. Where is hope to be found? How can we, in the midst of brokenness, dream a better world? Where can we draw strength for the journey as we create Beloved Community? Bishop Karen Oliveto will explore the importance of imagination and play as we rediscover hope and joy.
Bishop Karen Oliveto of the Mountain Sky Conference is the first openly LGBTQAI Bishop in the United Methodist Church.
Photo by Sue Learner
It may help to center yourself into worship by lighting a candle, as a symbol of God’s presence with you during the time of worship. You may also want to pay attention to lighting, the position of your body, and the availability of distractions.
Inhale: God with us.
Exhale: Still, always.
“Sounds of Joy” by Barbara B. Kinyon
One: Let us share good news: those who are oppressed,
Many: are not crushed.
One: Those who are knocked down
Many: are not destroyed.
One: God is with us,
Mary: still, always.
God of Resurrection,
you who meet us in our brokenness and love us towards wholeness,
you who speak life into life and even into death,
you who never give up,
we ask you to pick us up, wipe us off, and set us on your path again.
And we ask you to keep doing it as long as we need that help.
Our Father (Creator)
who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Photo by Larry McArthur
If you wish, you are welcome to use this time to make a donation to the church online, or to put a check in the mail.
The time of offering is not only about our financial gifts to the church, it is about offering our lives to God and the building of the kindom. This is a time for reflection: What is being asked of us? What is being given to us? What are we able to offer? What do we need?
Photo by Sue Learner
It may help to center yourself into worship by lighting a candle, as a symbol of God’s presence with you during the time of worship. You may also want to pay attention to lighting, the position of your body, and the availability of distractions.
“Creator God, we listen for you.”
“I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” by Kathleen Thomerson
One: Our God and Creator asks, “How will you live the life I have given
to you?
Many: Like a still, deep pool in the desert, we will live in a way that reflects your love back onto your world.
One: Our God and Creator asks, “How will you walk this path I have given to you?”
Many: Like the creatures of the forest, we will walk in a way that respects all life created by your hand.
One: Our God and Creator asks, “How will you reach out to the world beyond yourselves?”
Many: Like the branches of a sapling, we will strive to reach beyond the safe and the familiar, touching the world in your name. Help us to remember we all are connected through the endless circle of life
and creation. Teach us to trust and follow the example of Jesus Christ who lived a life of sacrifice, walked a path of goodness and mercy, and reached beyond human differences.
Creator God, as you have gathered us in generations past, lead and guide us this day
As we seek your wisdom and your vision for our people.
Give us eyes to see one another as you see us,
People of one God,
Connected to one another and to you
In all our relations, and in your son Jesus.
Give us ears to hear the wisdom of our elders
And the laughter of our children.
Give us words of blessing and healing for a hurting world.
Open our hearts and lead us on the path of peace.
We stand together on sacred ground with grateful hearts,
Knowing that the One who promises is faithful and true.
Our Father (Creator)
who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Photo by Larry McArthur
If you wish, you are welcome to use this time to make a donation to the church online, or to put a check in the mail.
The time of offering is not only about our financial gifts to the church, it is about offering our lives to God and the building of the kindom. This is a time for reflection: What is being asked of us? What is being given to us? What are we able to offer? What do we need?
First United Methodist Church is now able to receive donations electronically. Using this new electronic donation capability is totally voluntary and your ability to contribute to FUMC as you have done in the past is not affected in any way.
Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church grow. Both one-time donations and scheduled periodic donations may made be made electronically. Giving may be initiated on a computer or a smart phone. Donations may be charged to credit cards, debit cards or bank accounts. You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis.
If you are interested in using this new electronic system to make pledge payments, to make donations to church benevolences, to repay student loans or for other purposes, please click on the button labeled “DONATE” to go to the FUMC electronic donations page. The page will walk you through the process of signing up. You can also use the page to make changes to electronic donations that you’ve previously se t up. If you would prefer to sign up on a paper form, you may pick up an authorization form from Linda Smith in the church office.
This electronic giving capability is being provided through Vanco Payments Solutions which has been endorsed by the United Methodist Church. The system will be evaluated after a year of operation.
If you have any questions about this new capability, feel free to contact Financial Secretary Chris LaRocca at 518-399-9050.