First United Methodist Church
603 State Street
Schenectady, New York 12305
(518) 374-4403
Fax (518) 374-6060
Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people.

We at First United Methodist Church look forward to helping you prepare for your marriage and plan your special day.
We believe a marriage ceremony is a service of worship, celebrating the deep and joyful love of two people, the supporting love of family and friends, and the all-encompassing love of God. It is a time of deep commitment and joyful celebration.
This information will answer some common questions you may have about planning your wedding service, and give you information about wedding policies at First United Methodist Church. We hope it will be helpful.
Again, congratulations! We look forward to working with you as you take this important step in your life together.
The Reverend Sara E. Baron, Pastor
Linda Smith,Office Administrator
The first step as you begin to plan your wedding is to contact our church office to confirm a date and time with the Pastor, the Rev. Sara Baron, and the church.
It is our policy that all weddings will be celebrated by our pastor. However, another ordained pastor may be invited to assist in the ceremony, at the invitation of our pastor.
The couple is expected to clear all details with the pastor, including the order of service, selection of music and floral decorations in the sanctuary.
To make the marriage legal in the eyes of the state, the couple must secure a wedding license from New York State. The license may be obtained at the Schenectady County Office Building, or the Schenectady City Clerk’s Office in City Hall, from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM, and must be obtained at least 24 hours in advance of the wedding.
Flowers may be used on the altar for the wedding. Please contact of the Altar Guild. On many occasions, the flowers may be left in honor of your wedding for the following Sunday’s worship service.
Occasionally a runner is used for the aisle, which needs to be 75’ long. A cloth runner is available from the church for a fee ($100) or often available from your florist.
We provide candles for the service for the altar and the candelabras. A unity candle may be a part of the service at your expense. No other candles may be used without special permission from the pastor.
Tape is not permitted to display any decorations as it damages the wood finish on pews, etc. We do, however, provide clips for the pew ends to display bows and/or floral decorations. Contact the Church Office to arrange pick up.
Following the service, bird seed may be thrown outside on the lawn, or bubbles blown as the bride and groom exit the church building.
A wedding ceremony is a worship service, and music is an important part of the celebration. The Director of Music Ministries and the pastor involved with your wedding will work with you to choose music. It is our policy that our organist will serve as organist for your wedding, unless they are unavailable.
Additional musicians may participate in the service at their discretion.
The order of service will be worked out with the pastor and the couple. A wedding program may be used that includes the wedding party names. The church secretary will be glad to produce this (see donations list), or you may make other arrangements.
Please inform your photographer and your guests that it is our policy that no photographs shall be taken during the service. The designated photographer may take pictures during the processional and recessional only. The pastor will be glad to return to the sanctuary after the service for a re-staging of desired parts of the ceremony.
Three premarital counseling sessions with the pastor are required prior to the marriage ceremony. To set up these meetings, please contact the pastor or church office.
Fellowship Hall is available for a reception after the wedding service. Please contact the office to confirm the date and time. No alcoholic beverages may be served.
The rehearsal usually takes place for about an hour the evening before the wedding, after the participants have arrived in town. Please schedule with the pastor, and let the pastor know if there’s a dinner planned after the rehearsal; with cooperation and promptness from the wedding party the rehearsal can be held in a timely manner.
Please bring the wedding license with you to the rehearsal!
Pastor $250
Organist $225 with soloist $250 (soloists’ fees are not included in this amount)
Sexton (Custodian) $100 wedding $200 with reception
Sanctuary $200
Fellowship Hall $150
Wedding Program $ 35 plus paper cost
Please make checks payable to the individuals being paid. Fees for sanctuary, fellowship hall and wedding programs are payable to “FUMC.”
Mail them or bring them to the church office prior to the rehearsal, or give them to the officiating pastor at the rehearsal.
If this is a financial burden, please bring it up to our pastor.